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Real Estate

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Joeanne G.
Joeanne G.
Lurnea, NSW

there is a estate in play in which I have a equal share with another 5 people i have asked to be paid out as i do not want any responsilities with this house as there is too many costing issues and if there was anything to go wrong i would not be in a finacial state to help pay for things I dont talk to the other share holders only recently due to the house being in probate in which they want me to sign they have offered 100,000 but my share is 175000 is there anything i can do ?

6 years ago
Rhonda S.
Rhonda S.
Scone, NSW

Hi, we were looking at renting a boarding room for our son with the licensing agreement being in my husband and my son's name. My husband has signed it but my son hasn't as we aren't sure if we want the room now. We have paid a holding fee, bond, next weeks rent and a licence preparation fee. The real estate agent says that we will have to pay a break licence fee and continue to pay rent until someone else takes the room even though we haven't moved in. Is this correct? Thanks Rhonda

6 years ago
M R.
M R.
Melbourne, VIC

Hi all,

First time user.

My income is three times that of my wife. We also have kids. We are looking at an investment property and were wondering does it matter who we put our investment property under and who collects the income?

We were also looking at possibly putting the investment property and our principle place of residence in a trust. What would be the benefits of a trust?

I appreciate your help with the above.

6 years ago
Shelley S.
Shelley S.
Ellalong, NSW

I am living in NSW I have been renting a house for 3 year in a Village zoned town. My landlord is subdividing the property. I was told by fair trading that I could negotiate the time of her working on the property. She is going owner builder. But someone said that once the block is subdivided I have no rights because it is no longer part of my property. I also know that her last 3 builds she was painting at midnight. Who is right?

6 years ago
Aaron B.
Aaron B.
Yarraville, VIC

We have been renting a property for the past 4 years.
It is a one story subdivided terrace house, which shares a block with the adjoining house.
My question arises from the fact that on our rental agreement our property is stated as being '1/4a', however when we attempted to change our address with the voting polls we were informed that '1/4a' is not a registered address only 1/4 is, this is backed up by auspost.
Is this a breach of our rental contract?
kind regards

6 years ago
chez B.
chez B.
Brisbane, QLD

My neighbour is selling his house with my land featured in a photo, the bordering fence is actually on my land & the retaining wall also my property is the other side of the fence This was done for practicality & to allow him sufficient drainage as he was allowed to build his home on land that was classified a water causeway. As mentioned, he is selling his home & has made his property look bigger by using our retaining wall to work inline with a garden. Where do I stand legally with this?

6 years ago
Lyall B.
Lyall B.
Jandakot, WA

My partner and I bought a house in Perth in 1967 with the deed in both names. We had a child together but split up not long after and my partner has lived in the house ever since while I relocated overseas where I have resided ever since. For health reasons I am unable to return to Australia. Can I safely assume that I have retained a 50 percent ownership of the property and what is the best way of protecting my rights to my share on the death of either myself or my ex partner?

6 years ago

My 19yo daughters lease agreement date ended approx four weeks ago. She has continued to pay rent from that date, but has now signed a new lease on another property with a different real estate. Her old real estate agent says that she must give 21 days notice before she vacates even though there is no current lease agreement. She can not afford to pay two separate lots of rent on two properties. The lease is up. Why can't she just hand the keys in and move out??????

6 years ago