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Shelley S.
Shelley S.
Ellalong, NSW

I am living in NSW I have been renting a house for 3 year in a Village zoned town. My landlord is subdividing the property. I was told by fair trading that I could negotiate the time of her working on the property. She is going owner builder. But someone said that once the block is subdivided I have no rights because it is no longer part of my property. I also know that her last 3 builds she was painting at midnight. Who is right?

6 years ago


Hello Shelley,

A tenant under a residential tenancy agreement has the right to "peaceful,quite enjoyment of the premises" This is the law and the landlord has to abide by the laws of the tenancy.Yes you can negotiate the days,number of times and hours spend on your rented property otherwise the landlord is in breach of the tenancy and may need to be you compensation.

For further rights of access and other tenancy information please visit The Tenants Union website for more information and any legal advice contacts are there.


Best of luck.

6 years ago

Dear John
Thank you so very much you have put my mind at ease, i feel I will be able to stay now and not have too move. Thanks again.
Shelley Skaza

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