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Dom Z.
Dom Z.

Do you think Kingsgrove is a good area to invest in? Is there growth with the development of units in the area ?

8 years ago


Dear Dom

We believe that Kingsgrove could experience some gains over the next two years. We have nothing under development in that area, but have developed (and are currently developing) a number of projects nearer to the city.

However, areas such as Wooli Creek and Arncliffe that are nearer to the city have experienced major growth in recent years. As a result Kingsgrove would benefit from what is known as the 'outer ring' or 'ripple' effect.

These areas are also seeing infrastructure upgrades which is a major plus for buyers.

I wish you all the best with your investment.

Best regards,
Robert Huxley
Director - Acquisitions
Thirdi Group

Kingsgrove has already experienced quite significant growth, in the past 12 months alone it had experienced abit over 10% with the current median house price at over $1.22M and it seems like it is not slowing down anytime soon.

If you are looking at a specific property let me know if you would like property report, I can provide them at no cost and help you determine how much you can afford to invest.

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