Hello, I want to create an online platform to help people experiencing anxiety and stress related issues. I have the professional qualifications and over time would invite other professionals to form part of the community. The question I have, is what do I need or should have to protect myself, other professional and the platform, what could we be liable for?
Hi Peta,
I presume that whatever professional body you are a member of has a requirement for a certain level of professional indemnity cover. Then I suppose if you have an office to meet people you will need the usual Public Liability cover. Then you might want to do as much as you can to isolate your personal assets from any business risk (as all businesses should do) so you need to consider what business structure gives you the most proptection....for example a company provides a certain level of protection to the owner of the business.....provided the owner doesnt shoot him or herself in the foot by doing silly things like lodging BAS late and trading whilst insolvent.
so, for you I woul recommend a good CPA or CA closely followed by a good insurance broker, which your accountant would probably be able to recommend.
Find someone local(ish)....and ask for some references....if the bean counter is any good they will have hundreds of people willing to sing their praises!!!
good luck
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Graham Doessel - CEO - MyCRA (Specialist Credit Repair) Lawyers (LPH)
Current Rating: 4.65 / 5
Business Advisor Brisbane, QLD |
Hi Peta,
In short,
1. protect yourself/business with PI insurance
2. make sure you have the correct structures in place for asset protection
3. get good accounting and tax advice
4. get legal advice to make sure what you're proposing is covered
1. depends on what you want to achieve
a. look at wordpress - I use it and it works well
2. If you're going to invite other professionals, think about:
a. how can they add value to your audience
b. what's in it for you and for them
1. seek legal advice as you'll need to explain what you want to do before the liability question can be addressed.
Sorry I couldn't be any more help - at this stage, there are a lot of unanswered questions that would need to be discussed to point you in a clearer direction..
Good luck, and let me know if I can answer any more specific questions or chase up my Senior Partner, Mr Patrick Earl
- here is his SimplyAskIt profile - https://www.simplyaskit.com.au/profile/1519/patrick-earl-armstrong-doessel-stevenson-lawyers-lph
or call him on 1300 ADS LAW (07 3088 3777)
Warm regards
Graham Doessel