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Tony Z.
Tony Z.
Leonay, NSW

I have been working in the car industry for 8 months and my base salary is $45k and so far the average commissions are $5k a month. Should my employer being paying super on the base salary or base plus commission?

5 years ago


Hi Tony,
I’m not qualified to answer this so it is just my understanding. Your employer should be paying Super on all of your earnings.
On the Base salary they are required to add 9.5% Super (unless your contract specifically states total remuneration package) and on the commission they can either include Super as part of the total or add it on. This should also be covered in your agreement or contract.
That would be the first place to look and then if you are unsure, speak to your employer directly first and contact your industry body or FairWork if you aren’t happy with the answer
Best of luck

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