I’m 48 and a late starter to superannuation and I have been thinking about salary sacrificing into my superannuation account.? Is it a good idea and is there a limit to how much I can salary package?
Hi Pamela,
Whether it is a good idea or not is very specific to each individual and their circumstances. A full assessment by a qualified advisor would be required to make that call.
You are currently allowed to contribute $25,000 per year at the concessional rate (including employer amount) and up to $100,000 in additional contributions which can be banked in any 3 year period as a lump sum.
I hope that helps a little?
Hi Pamela,
Scott hit the nail on the head in regards to speaking to someone about your individual circumstances as it best to look at your full position before advising of suitable amounts and the way to contribute etc.(eg. lump sum, regular payments)
You should also consider the tax environment inside superannuation(up to 15% tax on earnings) and your marginal tax rate as this may also be a deciding factor on how much you contribute.
it is always great to regularly contribute to your superannuation to boost your retirement benefits, however you should not contribute funds that you may need in the short-medium term as once you put the funds in, you won't be able to access this until a condition of release is met.
I hope this helps and if you would like to discuss further or want to organise an appointment, please don't hesitate to contact me on the below details.
Ronald Pratap
Principal Financial Adviser
RP Wealth Management
Level 2, 351 Oran Park Drive, Oran Park 2570
T: 02 9188 1547 M: 0434 502 079
E: ronald.pratap@rpwealthmanagement.com.au
W: www.rpwealthmanagement.com.au
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RPWealthManagement
Hi Pamela,
Is it a good idea? Almost certainly yes, but you probably need to talk to someone about YOUR situation and what you are doing and why and how....etc
Your concessional contributions cap is $25,000 this is the amount that can be contributed into super tax-effectively WITHOUT creating an excess contributions tax headache.....and it includes:
1: employer super guarantee contributions
2: employer salary sacrifice contributions
3: personal concessional contributions
It would be wise to sit down with someone to discuss your situation......because whilst super is the BTO (Best Thing Out!!!) you need to have confidence that what you are doing is in your best interests....and that depends on all sorts of other factors.
find someone who charges you for advice.....because then you will hopefully end up with someone who is motivated to give you the best strategy for YOU, rather than the strategy that pays him the most in commission.
talk to your friends, and ASK a LOT of questions......and ask the adviser to put you in contact with some of his (her) clients for a recommendation.
good luck
Thanks Scott for taking the time