Hi, my husband is 62 years old and is being made redundant from his role. He has reached preservation age for his super. My question is, can he take a lump sum payment of his super and then return to work at a later date, even though he won’t he 65?
Hi Julie,
yes. One of the conditions of release is "retirement" however another one is "ceasing an employment arrangement after the age of 60"
so your husband has no need to "retire" he is good to go:)
this article is specific to SMSF, but its the same set of rules for all super funds:) Ignore the dorky cartoons.....the actual content is spot on:):)
Hi Julie,
Brendan is spot-on regarding the withdrawal of funds once over preservation age. Being 'retired' doesn't work for everyone, so there is no restriction stopping a return to work if desired (ATO doesn't like a scheme of this sort though).
Please liaise with your accountant & financial planner to make sure you are considering all the options with the super. While your plan may not be wrong, I'd hate for you to find it is not the best plan for you longer term.