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Ali C.
Ali C.
North Narooma, NSW

Is anyone able to give advice about whether consent orders can protect me from future spousal maintenance claims by my ex-husband, or is a separate financial agreement needed for that?

6 years ago


Hi Ali,

I am not the person for this but I can recommend Shannon Hilton who has helped me and my clients on a number of occasions with similar scenarios.

Her details are:

Email - shannon@mmrb.com.au
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/shannon-hilton-ab0b3120/

Hope this helps if there isn't anyone else on here who can provide you with a more specific response.


The first question is whether or not you have divorced because time limits apply for married couples who want to settle property issues after they divorce. Wherever possible I recommend consent orders because they are more resilient. Consent orders can deal with spousal maintenance issues. For more specific advice you will need to consult a family lawyer like *cough* me.

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