What would be considered an ideal mix between shares and property when developing an investment portfolio?
Hi Jerry,
That's impossible to answer on a forum such as this.
Each have different characteristics so depending on what you need from your investments the answer will be different for everyone.
Best you talk to an accountant or financial planner who can help you work through what might be most appropriate for you.
Hi Jerry,
That really depends on your risk appetite, your age, your current asset position and your current and future earning capacity as well as another bunch of variables.
Mine is 60% property outside Super, 10% shares outside Super and 25% shares and 5% cash inside Super but that is far from perfect for me it just worked out that way over time.
There is no substitute for really thorough planning and a detailed personalised strategy
Speak to an adviser - it will probably save you thousands
Best of luck
My ideal mix is about $20m in shares and another $20m in property!! oops that is childish and silly, sorry mate. Scott and James have much more sensible suggestions: talk to someone about your circumstances and get help in developing a plan for you....which WILL change over time depending on your age and needs....