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Lina T.
Lina T.
West End, QLD

Hello. I am working on a 2018/19 draft budget for my Marketing team at a new company. I’ve been give a report, which shows these columns
1) 2016/17 Total Actuals...
2) YTD Actuals...
3) Current Budget...
4) 2018/19 Draft Budget... and
5) 2018/19 Variation.

I’m a bit confused as to what each colum means especially 1), 2) and 3).

Can someone help explain. Thx?

6 years ago


Hi Lina,

Only guessing but here goes
1. The total spent on marketing last financial year
2. The amount spent so far this year
3. The budget allocated for this year
4. Your budget for next year
5. The difference between expected total spend this year and your budget for next year

Good luck with it

I presume you are talking about a Draft Budget Profit & Loss, or maybe a Draft Budget Cash Flow, or something like this.. but its got to be a draft budget "something"

only the treasurer deals in a Draft Budget.....if you know what I mean:)

so, assuming you have a P&L budget then the columns will mean:
1) the actual amounts received and spent in the 2016-17 financial year
2) the actual amounts received and spent SO FAR during 2017-18 financial year
3) the BUDGETED amounts of income and expenditure for the whole 2017-18 financial year
4) the BUDGETED amounts of income and expenditure for the 2018-19 financial year
5) variation is the difference between two of the columns: most likely the difference between 2 and 3. but you can measure the variance between any two columns depending on what you want to measure......

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