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About Me

Alex Lambros

Finance Broker
Strategic Investor Group
Sydney, New South Wales
Our service is to provide specific advice on each clients financial structure, which in turn ensures they are set up to best maximise wealth creation now and into their future.

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Q: Hi there. Trying to work what makes more financial sense over a longer period ...paying out a higher interest personal loan with withdrawing cash currently sitting on my house mortgage OR leaving the $$ on the mortgage? The interest rate is 12% v 4.95%
A: Paying the personal loan on the home loan rate but under the same time frame or faster would benefit you.

Ie a P/L of 10k maybe for 5 years. If you use the home loan money then you would like to repay the 10k over 5 years or less. Maintain same repayment amount but the lower rate will see you pay off the 10k faster.

Assuming the increase of the home loan doesn't create other issues like mortgage insurance etc.

I hope that helps.

Happy to discuss any time.
Q: I'm looking at getting some advice around whether i should get a fixed or variable home loan, especially with the decline in real estate of late. Will that effect me?
A: Choosing to fix in my experience is based around your individual financial situation.
If you have the capacity to repay the loan aggressively then fixing may not be the best option due to fixed rate restrictions on principle payments.
If you don't have this ability then you need to ask yourself if rates gradually move back up to 7% can you still manage the repayments. If the answer is no then fixing may be a good idea.
You also have the option to split the loan and keep a portion variable and a portion fixed. This can help hedge your risk.
Your question around fixing to help in a declining property market for me is not directly linked so I think it's neither here nor there. It's managing the loan repayments should the banks lift rates.
I hope this helps you.
Happy to discuss any time.
Q: I'm currently working as a contractor for one company. I go through an agency who does all my payroll and I do not have to do activity statements for tax purposes. Will I have any issues getting a mortgage?
A: Hi Matt,

Generally if you with an agency and they pay your tax you could be considered as an employee contractor. This is acceptable by majority of lenders.
Few things to consider are:
1. How long is left on your contract before renewal? Longer the better.
2. How much are you looking to borrow vs the property value? Ie is mortgage insurance required? Banks are more lenient if not but again not impossible to get finance.
The answer to these questions can narrow down your best options.
I hope this helps and I'm happy to discuss any time.