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Cherie H.
Cherie H.
Karrinyup, WA

What is the procedure for a property leasing agent to hand the management of a property to another leasing agent to manage?

6 years ago


Hi Cherie

I've just gone through this process and it was very simple. I contacted the current leasing agent and advised that we were not continuing with there services (the contract was about to expire). The new leasing agent then got in touch with the current leasing agent and organised handover, paperwork, keys etc. Basically everything was a smooth process and the new leasing agent did everything for us.



6 years ago

Thanks Abby, I read somewhere recently that if a property is handed over all previous contracts are voided. I am more interested if the tenants lease is also voided, and what would happen in a situation where It is a periodic. It appears that new agent needs to have a new fixed term lease. I am guessing a periodic cannot end automatically like a fixed term.
Hope that makes sense.

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