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My partner and l ( both 58) have money invested in managed funds-the big 4 banks.Should we be worried about the bank inquiry hapoening this year?

6 years ago



Make sure the managed funds invest in many companies, not only the bank. A diversification strategy would keep you safe.
In general, the world shake but never falls.
good luck

Hi Lynne,
I’m not an adviser but my thoughts are that the banks dropped a tiny bit when the Royal Commission was announced and then recovered within 2 days as the scope of the enquiry became understood.
Remember it isn’t a Bank inquiry it is a financial services enquiry and the Big 4 are well ahead of the rest of the industry in terms of regulation, compliance and security.
I strongly believe that it is a political issue and investors will take little notice of them trying to score points.
Keep diversified and hold on for the long haul. Most investment losses happen when people panic and sell.
Best of luck

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